Positive Progression Betting System

What is a Betting System?

In essence, positive progression system is about the gradual increase of bets during winning streaks and/or the slow decline or abrupt decrease of units when in a losing run. The reason that it’s quite popular among expert and beginner roulette players is that somehow, there’s a guarantee that one could not experience long series of loses. In positive progression systems, players raise their bets when winning, or as some players call it, “betting the house money.” This system is based on taking advantaging of winning streaks. Here is the breakdown for some of the most popular variations for each system: Negative Progression Systems. Martingale: The most known Negative. The positive progression system can really be used with all casino games, since the basis of the strategy is a simple one. It will work best, however, with games such as roulette and craps. In the case of using positive progression with roulette, a separate betting system will obviously be needed in order to decide where to place the bets in.

Betting systems, progressions and “trends”. The “streak-seaker ”. The “formal progressionist ”. The Wong test. Words of wisdom from gambling luminaries. Related progression articles One of the many endemic gamblers' beliefs is that the pattern of your betting can turn you from a loser into a winner.

It is a so-called strategic plan prepared after a study of prior wins and losses, and is supposed to increase player’s chances of winning more bets in less time. let's start from the basics.

There are three different types of betting systems in practice:

  1. Positive Progression Betting: In this system gamblers increase their bet each time they win. This system is more popular than others, because it comparatively doesn’t require you to have a big amount to start the game.
  1. Negative Progression Betting: There are people who wish to bet even higher every time they lose. They do so with an expectation to recover previous losses in a single winning bet. It requires a larger bankroll and a strong heart to practice this system, hence is considered a than its counter parts.
  1. Insurance Betting System: Just contrary to above, in this betting system you decrease your bet every time you lose. This supports a safer gambling concept and is considered a god betting system.

Here we have more information on some other betting systems. But the universal fact is that none of these techniques is a guarantee of success. The only logic is that these systems are based on some equations designed out of winning history. But games are not based on any fixed equation; they rather work on a set proportion of odds and evens only.

Gambling Fallacy

Players do create some fallacies in their mind, which are entirely based on perceptions, or rumors only. If a number has not appeared up recently, a player would start concentrating on it as a possible hit in next few attempts, , in fact. The gambling odds does not work on such calculations.

Main Gambling Systems

Martingale Betting System:

People often develop an intimacy with old things and start revering them as godly. Martingale system is also often considered a successful system because of its age. The system has considerably improved by the time, though. It works on the basic concept that exploits probabilities to recover from losses. The system suggests you to alter your bet if you win and double the amount if you lose.

Thus it is somewhat a negative progression type of system which makes it rather a risky technique that requires strong fund base. The technique relies on the concept that you will certainly win for once at least and then would recover all your previous losses and even more. But Casinos are still smarter. They set house limits proving this technique futile. A part this, the mathematical says that does not exist a limit on a positive, or a negative sequence (see roulette).

D’Alembert System:

This betting system works on same line as Martingale system, but with certain proved improvements. Hence, is much safer than the previous one. It suggests the players to raise their bet on every loss and decrease it when they win. The concept is to help you recover your losses by betting higher every time, and save your winnings by reducing the bets once you have won it.

Parlay Betting System:

This is more popular a system for horse racing than casino betting. This is a low-risk system for beginners. It suggests you to bet with winnings only. All you have to do is play small bets until you win then keep your winning and invest it on following bets.

Paroli Betting System:

Just contrary to Martingale system, Paroli system believes in increasing your bet if you win. This works well if you are on a winning roll.

1-3-2-6 Betting System:

This system is based on a thought that you would win at least 4 times in a row. It suggests you to divide your stake amount in units. And invest 1 unit on first bet, 3 on second, 3 on third and invest 6 units on fourth bet. This system has been meticulously designed to keep your winning and sustain losses. This is the best of the systems if you could really win 4 times but chances are equally odd, too.

50% Betting System:

Another positive progression system, that has recently become famous, is to increment your next bid by 50% if you have won the last. For example your first bet is $6 and you win, then add 50% i.e. $3 to it, so your next bet would become $9, then $13 and so on. Start from scratch when you lose means if you have last a bet than start back from initial amount i.e. $6, if you have to, of course.

A Quarter is a Fine Bet:

This system goes to suggest you to divide your entire gambling amount into 4 before each bet. Thus this allows you to increase your winning bets if you are on winning streaks, and limits your losses when you lose. What you can gain is double your money and what you can loose is what you have in hand.

Rely on Intuition:

While all other betting systems have their own odds and no one is guarantee of a winning, which system should you rely on? ‘Intuitions’ comes a sharp reply from some of the frequent gamblers who have tried this tool. This, too, has equal possibilities of winning and losing as any other system but it gives you a full joy of gaming excitement and may be that your sixth sense starts working in your favor and take you on a winning stream.

Accept the Truth:

The last but not least important fact of gambling, is that no system can work the way you want it to be, otherwise all these betting system suppliers would make you become Uncle Scrutch, and all the casinos would have gone bankrupt. They are meant to increase the odds in your favor, but stats says that casinos always win, guys! So it is a game of chances only, and can be rather a cheaper entertainment than watching a movie, with a very tempting possibility of earning a bang. The right advice is to play with a gaming spirit only, and do not make it an addiction. If you have won something out of it, the very first thing you should do, is to separate your principal amount from it. Then keep investing the earnings till you please or your pocket allows.

The Odds in Zero Sum Games

Positive Progression Betting System

Gambling involves betting money on an event that has an uncertain outcome, such as a sports game, in order to profit by betting on the correct outcome. Frequently, gambling is also used in the world of finance, where – for example – the scarcity of a commodity can be bet on. Long term weather patterns may be studied, for example, to bet on whether a particular crop will have a good yield in a given season.

Therefore, investing in that particular crop or investing in other crops to the detriment of that crop may result in a profit. Scarcity of wheat may lead to a rise in its price. Similarly, the price of oil or natural gas may rise or fall due to the discovery or otherwise of oil fields over a given period. Whether you are talking about a football season or the seasons of the year, there is a kind of gambling for everyone.

Zero sum games – in this context – may result in the establishment of a pot of money. In this context, all of the monies put into the pot by individuals betting on a number of outcomes, will be split among the winners. A zero sum game at a very basic level could be described as a game where a winner “wins” at the expense of the loser “losing”. The winner or winners will take and split the pot, the losers lose what they bet and take home nothing.

Bets are sometimes spread by a gambler to cover as many likely outcomes as possible. A gambler may bet on a horse or a greyhound “to place” at the racetrack rather than to win. This means that should the horse or dog come first, second or third in a race, the gambler will profit. However, because the stakes are higher if the person gambles on a win alone, he or she will make more money.

The technique known as martingale is an example of covering bets in such a way as to gain profit. Martingale is a gambling technique that was originally developed in France more than two centuries ago. In essence, it began as a wager on the betting of which side a coin would land. If it came up heads, the gambler would win, and with tails, he would lose. The technique demanded that after each loss, the gambler doubled the bet so that when the coin did come up heads, he would get a small dividend after covering all of his losses as well.

The gamble would ultimately pay off when the coin finally did come up heads because probability was in the gambler’s favor. Many casinos are said to operate policies to stop practices that are similar to Martingale. However, the fact is that statistically, a martingale type of gambler has just the same odds as anyone else at the casino. What little profit he or she makes is offset by the chance that he or she will result in a disastrous loss by adopting this kind of strategy.

History of Gambling Systems

There have been various attempts through history to create gambling techniques aimed to beat or cheat the system in order to win. Technically, some of them require limitless resources – which nobody has. It is felt that none of these techniques are failsafe and none of them can definitively be considered profitable over a sustained period of time. People will however calculate a sizable bet and introduce the notion of loss over a sustained period of time. In this way, they can make a wager – taking into account a loss – and continue to do so until there is a payoff.

For example, a Londoner might wager that there will be a white Christmas this year. He can do this every year, adding the previous year’s losses to the wager, until he finally wins the bet and takes home his winnings – which take into account all of his previous losses – thus making a small profit.

In a fixed profits gambling system, the stakes are measured in terms that are based on the probabilities of loss and win. The aim is that the same profits will result from whatever bet or bets are made. Meanwhile, the fixed stakes system means that the same stakes are bet on each chosen horse in a race, for example, or whatever other variables are being bet on.

Card counting is one example of a gambling system. The ability to keep track of the number of high value cards remaining in a deck has an advantage when playing blackjack. The ratio of high cards to low can be calculated in many ways. Some people calculate how many cards with a value of ten remain in the deck during a game to give a little advantage to themselves.

Various other calculations can be made when it comes to gambling and attempting to beat the bookie. Optimal stakes are often placed in way to allow your bank balance to remain healthy (in theory). However, because many bets are based on chance, the odds for someone attempting to beat the system, are frequently no higher than anyone else playing the game or making their bets.

Speculative investments are sometimes considered gambling. Various kinds of stock market investment may be regarded as gambling systems. However, they are often wiser choices than other kinds of gambling, because an investor can take note of changes to a company in the news. If a company is doing well and making profits, it may be wise to invest in it.

If a company’s product is failing – for example, if a car manufacturer has been found to have a major fault in its cars and is recalling those cars for repair – the chances are high that its profits will dip. However, this might be the ideal time to buy shares in that car company, so when its profits rise again, the investor can sell on the shares.

If any kinds of gambling systems were completely foolproof or failsafe, everyone would do them. So far, no gambling system has achieved this level of success. If it had, booking shops and casinos would go bankrupt with far greater frequency than they do.

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Positive Progression Betting System Analysis

Positive Progression Betting System


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