How Do You Get A Casino Host
Many casinos, especially the larger ones, employ a team of casino hosts whose sole job is to make players happy and assist them in getting the most out of their experience with the casino, within reason, and sometimes even beyond reason depending on the value of the player.
Casino hosts work for the marketing department of a casino, and marketing is what they do. The idea here is to develop relationships with higher value players so that they not only stay at your casino longer, they come back more often, and they hopefully play less or preferably not at all at competing casinos.
So as marketing agents, their role is to provide extra value, reasons to play with them, and these reasons go beyond the normal features of the casino or even the players club. Pretty much all casinos have a players club which reward players based upon their play, and casino hosts pick up where that leaves off and provide additional value, incentives, and special to very special treatment.

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To pursue a career as a casino host, you must start with an entry-level casino job to gain experience. You can attend dealer’s school to earn the qualifications you need to work as a table dealer at a casino in your state. Gambling laws vary by state and sometimes by city, so if you move you may need to re-up your qualifications. A general guideline might be that a dollar-machine player might want to wait until he has played two to three hours and a $5 player perhaps a half hour before approaching a host. A couple who plays only quarters, but from morning to night, might want to consider doing so after one day of such heavy play. You know what, we’re just going to say it: we love our Casino Hosts. These friendly faces are always there to lend a hand — even when that means a high five after winning big. Get to know some of them and see why they’re truly the best at sea. Join the Players Club. The easiest way to start on the path towards being hosted is to join the.
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As a rule, casino hosts server higher value players, not necessarily the huge ones, the whales, but certainly players that the casino finds to be very desirable. How desirable does vary by casino, and it is probably easier to get assigned a casino host at a smaller casino or one that doesn’t tend to attract a lot of high rollers than at one of the higher end casinos on the Las Vegas strip, where your more modest play will get rewarded but won’t be enough to get the personal treatment a dedicated casino host can offer.
The higher your value as a player, meaning the more you bet in total, the better treatment you will get, and while this is true for all players really, where you can earn yourself things like discounts off meals or tickets at the casino resort, or even free meals or tickets if your play warrants it, or even be able to stay there for free, we’re talking bigger than that really, when having your meals and room comped doesn’t do quite enough for you and you deserve more.
So we’re talking fairly high rollers here generally, those who would typically use $100 black chips and up, and have a pretty good stack of them, and preferably a nice line of credit to buy more.
How You Get Assigned A Casino Host
Higher rollers at casinos often don’t bring money actually, they are given credit lines and are expected to pay back losses within a set period, depending on the arrangement.
Not surprisingly, this is a more effective way to part big players with their money as this tends to have them risking more than they perhaps would if they just brought a bankroll to play with.
Based upon how much of a credit line you get approved for, if it’s a worthy sized one, you may get assigned a casino host right off the bat, especially if we’re talking a real large sum here. The bigger players, the whales, who are good for a million or more a trip, don’t have to ask, casino hosts will aggressively pursue you if you are in this category, and the competition for these players is pretty fierce as you might imagine.
Other than that, as a rule if you are playing at a casino and wondering whether or not you merit being assigned a host, typically they will find you, not the other way around, and casinos are well on top of your play if you are in the players club, and you can bet that big enough play for this will not go unnoticed.
However, one is free to ask to be assigned a host if they feel like they may warrant one, and at some places more modest players may get treated to this extra service.
What Casino Hosts Do
A casino host may be called upon to do a lot of things, with the lengths they are prepared to go for you, for the most part anyway, limited only by one’s imagination and one’s value to the casino.
They are there to assist you, that’s their only job actually, although keep in mind that they do report to the casino so they have to justify both their time and their spending the casino’s money to their bosses, so you have to be worthy of this special treatment.
To the extent that you are though, casino hosts can do anything from helping you book your dinner and show reservations, to just about anything. Some of the requests can be quite strange, like the player who had a fetish for urinating on walls, and so his host provided that opportunity to him as requested.
Sometimes casinos have special events where you have to be a VIP to even be invited, and the bigger VIPs get even better special treatment, such as things like ringside seats, or invitations to private parties.
If you’re worth it, you may be treated to one of those very expensive villas that you might see at a casino’s site, although it might be very difficult to impossible to book them, because they are often kept for these huge players to stay at for free as a token of the casino’s appreciation for their play.
Some of these accommodations run five figures a night, so you can get an idea of how big this stuff goes from that.
Given that casino hosts often actively recruit players, in addition to providing all they can at the casino, the hosts themselves may propose deals, such as an expensive trip to an exotic location, where the casino host himself or herself may accompany the player on and continue to take care of the player’s needs while they vacation together.
Of course any problem a player may have is sent to the casino host, who sometimes go a long way to resolving them. It doesn’t even matter if the request is reasonable or not, for instance one casino got in trouble with gaming authorities when it was discovered that they were permitting late bets from a player, the player felt that he deserved to make these late bets and he was important enough that even this sacred rule was broken for him.
There’s also a lot of babysitting that goes on with this job, especially given that some big players act in ways not considered appropriate, like throwing temper tantrums, and your job is to help keep them out of trouble and smooth things over as much as possible, because after all, these are valuable players.
Having a casino host though is definitely a very nice perk that will almost certainly make your stay at a casino better, and you get to decide what better means for the most part.

By Jean Scott
For the dollar machine player, and in many casinos even for the frequent and/or heavy quarter player, using a casino host system will let them reap more comps than just tapping into slot clubbenefits or depending on mail offers. However, I have had more people tell me that they have played in casinos for years, have never seen a host, and wouldn’t know if they fell overone in the aisle!
Even if you’ve seen hosts in action and used one on occasion, you still might not be quite sure where you fit in a particular casino’s system. So if you’re planning on staying or playing in acasino, you can talk to a host ANY TIME just to inquire about the requirements, even on the phone before you step inside the casino. Simply call the casino’s toll-free number and ask to beconnected to a slot host.
Casino Host Pay
What if you’re in a casino, have played awhile, and wonder if you’ve played enough for any kind of a comp? How do you hook up with a host at this time? One thing you can do is to go to the slotclub desk and ask to speak to a host; usually one can be paged and will meet you right there at the booth. Some larger casinos have a host office somewhere in the casino (sometimes called a VIPoffice although any level of player could get information there) where you can merely walk in and you will either find a host on duty or a clerk will find you one to talk to.
How Do You Become A Casino Host
However, the best way, in my opinion, is to stay at your machine and tell a slot attendant you would like to speak to a host as soon as possible. They are able to get the host your message byrelaying it to a supervisor or by using their radio. Having a host meet you at your machine has several advantages. First, hosts are often very busy and can’t always respond topages immediately – so you can continue playing during a possibly long wait time.

Second, if a host sees you actually playing, she may write you an immediate comp based on the level of the machine you are playing, without bothering to go to a computer to check your past playrecord. This is why I suggest that when you are meeting a new host at a machine, you do so when you are playing at the highest denomination you ever choose in that casino.
Don’t try to pull a fast one here and play for several hours on quarters and then move to a $5 machine and slow-play until the host arrives; you will get nothing but a “hustler” reputation whenshe does check the computer. However, if you have been switching back and forth between quarter and dollar play, then ask for a comp while you are playing a dollar machine. This mayscore you a higher-level comp, i.e., a meal for two in a better restaurant instead of the buffet or perhaps expensive show tickets. For room comp requests, a host will almost always checkfirst your past play record on the computer.
What Is A Casino Host

Another advantage is that in many casinos, some types of comps are available only through a host, i.e., show tickets or limo transportation. Also, getting comps through a host often doesnot decrease your slot club benefits or your direct-mail offers. So learning your way around the host system can make the whole casino comp system more flexible for you.
How Are Casino Hosts Paid
Jean Scott is one of the country’s most renowned and successful gamblers and has appeared on many TV shows, including 48 Hours, where Dan Rather gave her the nickname of Queen of Comps. Herfirst book, The Frugal Gambler, has been a best-seller for nine years. She also wrote a sequel, More Frugal Gambling, and a tax guide for gamblers. She provides a complete resource package forvideo poker players, from beginners to the experienced: the Frugal VP software program which goes with her new book, Frugal Video Poker, and the must-have Frugal Video Poker Scouting Guide. HerWeb site