Basketball App Iphone
Evolve Basketball App Coming in with a 4.7 star rating in the iTunes store, this app revolves around social media. It os created by Evolve Sports, which offers a two-day basketball camp in Australia. That said, this app is pretty neat. From the creators of multiple smash-hit online sports games! Dribble, shoot, score, WIN in this competitive multiplayer Basketball game on mobile! Grab the ball and take on the world with BASKETBALL STARS. Play fast-paced, authentic 1v1 multiplayer basketball! Show your skills, moves and fakes to juke out your opponent and shoot for the basket! On defense, stay in the face of the attacker.
Basketball Training App Iphone
There was a surprise guest on stage at the launch of the brand new iPhone on Wednesday.

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Steve Nash, a two-time NBA MVP, recent Hall of Fame inductee, and proud Canadian helped unveil a brand new app for basketball players.
The app, which aims to provide scientific feedback on shot technique, will “revolutionize basketball training,” according to Nash.

Nash should know.
As one of the game’s all-time greatest shooters, Nash is ranked first in NBA history in free-throw percentage, making 90.4% of the 3,384 attempts he made during his career. He’s also top-10 all-time in three-point percentages.

“When I was young and learning the game, I never really knew if I was doing the right things to improve my game,” said Nash. “I would spend hours and hours shooting by myself just hoping I was refining the techniques that would take me to the next level.”
Sharing the stage with David Lee, co-founder and CEO of Nex Team, the pair gave a demonstration of how the HomeCourt app works.
Another angle of the AR app @HomeCourtai which tracks basketball shots measuring kinematics, trajectory and release times, as well as shots made and missed.
— Vic Chukwuka (cherish) (@Cherish_vic) September 12, 2018
Using the phone’s camera, the app is able to automatically recognize a basketball court and hoop, and can track your shots. It detects makes, misses, and attempts while recording stats for each.
Basketball App Iphone Track Your Progress

The location of the shot is recorded, as are things like leg angle, release angle, release time, speed, and release height.
Nash didn’t claim that the app would magically turn you into a great shooter because that would go against everything he said last week.
Basketball App Iphone Track Your Progress
“Find something you love to do. Do it every day. Be obsessed,” Nash said as part of the inspiring closing remarks of his Hall of Fame induction speech.
But whether you have aspirations to become a professional basketball player or not, the app looks pretty cool. Check out the presentation here: